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EU projects

Development of UAB EKO PIRK in export markets

International exhibitions ensure the development of export markets.

In order to continuously increase the sales of its products in foreign countries, the company successfully implemented the project "Development of UAB "Eko pirk" in export markets". Participated in 9 specialized exhibitions held in Germany, Sweden, France.

UAB "Eko pirk", while rapidly expanding its activities in the field of production of natural and organic food products and constantly adding new products to its assortment, sees the importance of ability to be able to present them directly to potential business partners, potential customers and buyers. At all nine international exhibitions, there was shown high interest in promoted latest and the usual company's products.

By participating in international foreign exhibitions, the company is gradually expanding its customer base and export markets. It is expected that the implementation of the project made it possible to achieve one of the company's most important goals - to diversify the income received according to geographical regions, to create favorable conditions for the increase of the company's export income.

The successful implementation of the project and the expansion of export markets were helped by funding provided by the European Regional Development Fund, in accordance with the implementation of priority 3 "Promoting the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses" of the 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program. The financing from the regional development fund for the implementation of the project amounted to EUR 45,000, a slightly higher amount than the allocated support, the company invested its own funds.

JSC EKO PIRK investments into e-commerce project.

JSC EKO PIRK started to implement 2014-2022 year Europinian Union funds investment programs action priority number 13 „recovery instrument to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought about by the coronavirus pandemic“ measures no 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 „E-commerce model COVID-19“ project JSC EKO PIRK investments into e-commerce installation, funded by both European Union structural fund and the company itself.In order to increase the company's competitiveness and revenue, it is planned to implement this e-commerce implementation project, during which a new e-commerce site will be created.  A website that will enable the company to sell its products more efficiently and conveniently to the customer, while achieving the planned increase in sales turnover.The project budget is EUR 59,502.24. The amount allocated from the European Regional Development Fund is EUR 44 626.68. The duration of the project is 2022-02-10 to 2023-02-10.

JSC "EKO PIRK" since the beginning of its establishment in 2009. is engaged in the trade of organic and natural products (various brands are represented). With the acquisition of production equipment, the production of our own natural and organic food products was also started (the products manufactured by the company are marked with the trademark “AMRITA”). Having successfully established itself in the Lithuanian market, the company also actively sells its products in foreign markets: Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Uzbekistan, the Czech Republic, Romania, England, Turkey, and Portugal 

JSC "Eko pirk", which is rapidly expanding its activities in the field of natural and organic food production, sells a large part of its production in foreign markets. The strategy chosen to enhance the development of export markets is to attend prestigious specialized exhibitions each year. To achieve this goal, the company started the project "Development of JSC Eko Pirk in Export Markets" and is planing  to participate in nine international exhibitions.

By participating in international exhibitions, the company is gradually expanding its customer base and export markets. For expanding existing and new markets, it is planned to participate in international exhibitions in Germany, UAE, Great Britain, Sweden, France.

It is expected that the implementation of the project will achieve one of the most important goals of the company - to diversify the income by geographical regions and to facilitate the growth of the company's export earnings.

Successful implementation of the project and expansion of export markets is supported by financing from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority 3 "Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Business Competitiveness" of the European Union Funds Operational Program for Investment 2014-2020. The project is financed by the Regional Development Fund for the amount of 45 000 EUR and the remaining amount company plans to invest from its funds.

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